Hey there and thank you once again for stopping by Heaven Here We Come :). Hope we all are having a blessed week so far. By His grace, I have no doubt that we are. Today, January 13th, happens to be a very special day for me. It marks the 2 months anniversary of me being on stage live with Chief Commander Ebenezer Obey. But more importantly, it's my Dad's Birthday so I'll commemorate my 2 months with Obey later on in another post. On that note I'll like wish you Dad, a very Happy Birthday and pray that God will grant you many more happy years ahead. You'll probably never read this, but in the event that you do, I'll like to say...
Thank you for teaching me that character content surpasses any physical or material attribute an individual can possess.
Thank you for teaching me how to love and respect a woman. I'll never forget that conversation we had when I was just 11 as I was about to start Federal Government College Odogbolu(which happens to be the greatest secondary school in Nigeria, but I digress...)
Thank you for teaching me that the best gift a Father can give his child is to love and respect his child's mother.
Thank you for teaching me how to be principled, fair, patient, kind and how to resolve conflict.
Thank you for teaching me to never start a fight, but to hold my own whenever I found myself in one.
Thank you for instilling in me confidence and swagger. I'm passing it on to your grandson and you'll be glad to know that he's taking it to another level.
Thank you for teaching me how to be content.
Thank you for teaching me how to be a real Man.
Thank you for being a great Father. Its because of your love towards me that I too wanted to be a Father.
Most importantly, Thank you for being a representation of God for me here on earth. Next to Jesus, you are the greatest man I'll ever know.
And I know you taught me a lot more, but there's not enough space on the whole Internet to list them. Just know that I appreciate you and all the Great Dads(me included) out there. Once Again, Happy Birthday.
Prince Olu
If you are Father and you someday want your child to write something like this about you, just love that child. I hope that's not to much to ask.