Hello and thanks once again for stopping by Heaven, Here We Come :). Hope you had a blessed week. As we start another weekend, I pray God's favor and mercy will find its way into our lives.
My Mum, God bless her soul, was a very loving and strong woman and I had never seen her cry once. Even when her mum passed, all she did was pray, told me death was a part of life and went on with her day. However, in the summer of 2000, I will see my mum cry for the very first time. My brother and I got into an argument and was just about ready to start throwing blows when she came running downstairs wondering what all the ruckus was about. As my brother and I continued yelling and cursing at one another, we both looked at my mum and we could see the tears streaming down her eyes. I tried playing tough but seeing her in that state completely softened my anger. I asked why she was crying and she replied that she felt like she failed as a parent despite all her love for us. And love her kids so much is what she did. I re-assured her that she hadn't failed and my brother and I made up.
Today, I can only wonder if our Heavenly Father sheds a tear or two when he sees Christians fight amongst one another. I'm sure it hurts Him that despite his Love for us, we still allow pettiness and frivolity to further divide us and keep us further away from Him. Furthermore, when we as Christians fight, we are not only creating a deep chasm between ourselves and God, but we are also preventing non-believers from becoming Christians. Now I know it's inevitable for us not to disagree from time to time, but we need to ensure that we eventually come to agreement in accordance to His love. Even the 12 disciples disagreed occasionally with one another but they always resolved their conflicts. Well, except Judas and we all know the rest of that story.
So my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ, please lets stop all the fighting with one another. One way to achieve this is to always remember that our Heavenly Father and his only begotten son Jesus Christ hurt deeply when we do fight. Fighting on with one another on the other hand makes Satan happy and I'm sure well don't want that. Thoughts of this should be enough to soften any anger within us. Also, lets all prove to God and ourselves that His love for us has not failed but instead continues to put Satan to shame. I pray that the peace and love of God through his son Jesus Christ will continue to abide with us so we will love one another as he instructed us to. Put yourself in God's shoes, how will you feel if your children that you love so much are constantly fighting with another despite your love for them? Enjoy the rest of your weekend.
Humble Prince
I'm proud to say that 2000 was the last time my brother and I ever had an argument or disagreement. Not only because of our love towards each other, but also because we never wanted to see our mum shed a tear ever again.
Btw, to my dear brother if you are reading this, you're lucky mummy came down just in time or else... :).