Saturday, February 26, 2011

The Beware-Titudes

Hello and thank you once again for stopping by Heaven Here We Come :). I hope you had an amazing week and getting ready for an even more amazing weekend ahead. May the goodness of God through his son Jesus Christ continue to be evident in each and everyone of our lives.

Speaking of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, remember He had something called the "Beatitudes"? Well that inspired me to come up with the "Beware-Titudes." While the 8 Beatitudes talk about the blessings that awaits those who are poor, mournful, meek, hungry and thirsty for justice, merciful, pure in heart, peacemakers, and are persecuted for justice sake, the 8 Beware-Titudes talks about, well read on...

Beware of those who want to be your friend so quickly and easily for they are looking to use you for something and once they get it, chances are you'll never hear from them again.

Beware of those people who always have a better story than yours for they are subtly competing with you and will eventually begin to envy your success.

Beware of those who always want to be in the spotlight for they will slowly begin to despise your time in the spotlight and would do anything to take away your shine.

Beware of those who you confide in but don't confide in you for they probably don't think much of you and will eventually use what you share with them as fodder.

Beware of those who call you when they need a favor, but only return your call with a text when you call them for a favor.

Beware of those who only tell you about the party after its over. They never really wanted you there and are probably just trying to spite you even more.

Beware of those who constantly criticize you for they are only trying to mask their own insecurities.

Beware of those who just try to make up grudges and reasons not to talk to you, they really just don't know how to break out of their shame.

And there you have it. Believe me, you are bound to cross paths with some of these individuals in your lifetime. So just don't Beware, but also Be Aware. Enjoy the rest of your weekend and may His favor through His Son Jesus Christ be forever evident in our lives.

Humble Prince

Oh yeah one more, Beware of those who don't think Chief Commander Ebenezer Obey is the greatest :)