Saturday, January 29, 2011

The BIble, Fact or Fiction?

Hey there and thanks once again for stopping by Heaven, Here We Come :). Hope you all had an amazing week and ready for an even more amazing weekend.

So what if its all Fiction, a BIG FAT LIE. I'm talking about everything from God, to his son Jesus Christ, the Angels, Heaven, Hell, Satan, Adam, Eve, The Garden of Eden, Moses, Judas, Paul etc. Yeah what if the contents of the Bible are all one big fairy tale. Or maybe even a collection of someone's imagination of a group of ancient Super Heroes and Villains just like we have in our modern day comic books. What if our going to church every Sunday and midweek bible study sessions are all for naught. Also what actually happens to us when we eventually pass from this world? Is there really a lake of everlasting fire waiting for non believers and a place of everlasting happiness for those who chose to believe as stated in the Bible? Did Moses really part the Red Sea? Did David really kick Goliath's behind? Was Jesus really conceived of a virgin, Did Jesus really heal the sick, give sight to the blind, cast demons out of the possessed, walk on water, die on a cross, buried only to rise again on the third day? And the questions go on and on and on...

I have no doubt that some of these questions and more have all crossed our minds at some point and still lingers in minds of many. And rightfully so. We are all designed to process information and determine if it makes sense or not. Ask the average Christian any of the questions above and they will probably say "you gotta have faith." However, I think we need to take it a little further. We as believers and followers of Christ need to pray for God to reveal Himself to those who may have doubts. Be it through a sign, miracle, breakthrough, blessing, deliverance etc. We as believers need to also pray for ourselves that God will continue to show us signs that He is God whenever doubt sets in hearts as they often do. I pray for this constantly and I'm glad to say that God not only showed me one sign but He's shown me a thousand and counting. One was witnessing the birth of my son in the delivery room. While Biology can explain the process, it didn't create it. Neither did a big bang process as suggested by scientists. The birth process is most definitely a Divine Design as I like to call it. A perfect sign as commanded by God our Heavenly Father that He does in fact exist. I pray that His glory through the grace of his Son Jesus Christ, will continue be evident in each of our lives. Amen

So while it may all sound like one big fairy tale, I believe the Bible and its contents are very much indeed real. And even though its gone through multiple revisions and discrepancies do exist, the message within its pages, books, chapters and verses is quite clear.  And if you are still skeptic or have doubts, just ask Him to show you a sign. He will be glad to. He's waiting...

Have a blessed and amazing weekend.

Prince Olu

It often amazes me that people believe in dinosaurs and aliens but not in God and Jesus Christ.