Friday, December 31, 2010


Hi, I greet you all with the Peace and Love of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and welcome to Heaven Here We Come :).

In December 2006, just weeks after my mum passed, I fell into a depression. For four straight days, no shower, shave or meal. I was in so much pain I thought about ending it all. Not necessarily because I missed her but I felt that was the only way to put an end to the pain. You see when my mum passed, I didn't just lose a Mother I also lost a best friend. Ask those who knew us and they will confirm that our relationship transcended beyond mother and son. Especially those privileged to witness one of our many conversations. It was a very unique relationship.

Well, I'm still here. So as you can see I didn't end it all. That was the enemy and his B.S. In the weeks and months that followed, I broke out of that depression by praying, writing and listening to Evergreen Songs by Chief Commander Ebenezer Obey (Who in my opinion is the greatest musician ever, but I digress). And these writings is what I share with you in this Blog, Heaven, Here We come :). Why Heaven Here We Come? Well because we're all going die someday and I believe Heaven is where we all want to be after we move on from this world. At least that's where I pray to be because I hear that other place is hot as hell (no pun intended).

This Blog, Heaven, Here We Come :), is dedicated to two of the most important people in my life. To she that gave me life, and to she who allowed me to give life, A. Adekunbi Faloye. I hope you all get a good laugh, are entertained and enlightened by this blog. Most importantly, I hope it brings you closer to Heaven. May the goodness of God, through the grace of his only begotten son, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ be forever evident in our lives. Amen

A big thank you to Victor Gonzalez for the artwork and future contributors to Heaven, Here We Come :).

Always Humble,
Humble Prince

This blog expires on Twelve Thirty-One Two Thousand and Eleven.